

[2023-2026] NATO SPS - metasuRfacE baSed Platforms fOr devices aND pErsonnel pRotection  (RESPONDER) - PI

[2023-2025] PRIN PNRR 2022 - Food sAfety via miCrObial detectioN wIth phoTonics nanorEsonators (ACONITE) - Lead of research unit

[2023-2025] PRIN 2022 - all-oPtIcaL uLtrafast metA-modulatoRS (PILLARS) - PI and lead of research unit

[2020-2024] FET-Open: METAsurfaces for ultraFAst light Structuring (METAFAST) - Team member


[2020-2022] US Army Research Laboratory Cooperative Agreement: "Extreme nonlinear optics in epsilon-near-zero materials" (W911NF-20-2-0078) - PI

[2017-2020] MIUR - "Rita Levi Montalcini": Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics of plasma resonant materials - PI

[2012 - 2017] National Research Council - The National Academies Project: "Linear and nonlinear electrodynamics in epsilon-near-zero metamaterials"  - PI

[2010 - 2012] DARPA SBIR Phase II – “Photonic Band Gap Solar Cell” (W31P4Q-11-C0237) - Co-PI

[2010 - 2012] DARPA SBIR Phase II – “Nonlinear Plasmonics” (W31P4Q-11-C0098) - Team Member

[2010 - 2011] Air Force SBIR Phase I – “Plasmonic Beamsteering” (FA8650-11-M-5150) - PI

[2010 - 2011] IR&D AEgis Technologies Inc. project: "All-optical wideband plasmonic beam steering" - Co-PI

[2010 - 2011] IR&D AEgis Technologies Inc. project: "Hydrogen sensor" - PI

[2009 - 2010] DARPA SBIR Phase I – “Photonic Band Gap Solar Cell” (W31P4Q-11-C0109) - Co-PI

[2008] U.S. Army RDECOM Forward Element Command -Atlantic project: "Harmonic Generation from Metallic Substrates with Subwavelength Apertures: Symmetric Propagator and Calculation of Energy Conversion Efficiencies by Means of 2D-FDTD (W911NF-09-1-0077) - PI

[2008] U.S. Army RDECOM Forward Element Command -Atlantic project: "Loss Compensation in metallo-dielectric structures in negative refraction and super-resolving regimes" (W911NF-08-1-0085) - PI

[2007]  U.S. Army RDECOM Forward Element Command -Atlantic project: "Analysis and Design of a Palladium based Hydrogen Leak Detection Sensor" (W911NF-07-1-0567) - PI

[2007]  U.S. Army RDECOM Forward Element Command -Atlantic project: "Experimental and theoretical investigations on linear and nonlinear interactions in transparent metals, for applications to super-resolution and super-guiding" (N62558-07-P-0065) - PI